Closed Rhinoplasty Techniques

Rhinoplasties is the term given to a surgical operation to repair and reshape the nose. Rhinoplasties are often performed on patients who have a deformity in the nose. The surgical procedure is considered to be a reconstructive surgery since it is used to improve or replace an anatomical feature. This medical intervention has become a common practice with both adults and children as well as adults. It is commonly done in order to correct physical and facial abnormalities, such as crooked noses, nose bridges and nasal polyps.

Rhinoplasties can be categorized into open and closed rhinoplasties, which are the most common operative techniques for correcting the anatomical and functional characteristics of the nose. Both types of rhinoplasties are typically done with the use of general anesthesia. Many experienced nose surgeons opt to perform closed rhinoplasties as the procedure is generally less invasive than open rhinoplasties. However, the results after a closed rhinoplasty is usually not as good as those from open rhino procedures. For more information on rhinoplasty surgery click here.

In an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon will first determine what type of rhinoplasty is needed. An open rhino is performed on the outside of the nose using a laser, local anesthetic and a variety of other tools. The surgery is then divided into two stages. During the first stage, the surgeon removes the excess skin and fat by trimming the tissue. After this procedure, the surgeon reshapes the nasal bone with a plastic model. During the second stage, the surgeon will re-stretch the nasal muscles and ligaments.

The surgeon will then close the incisions, bandage the wound and immobilize the area during recovery. During the recovery period, the patient may experience some minor swelling and bruising. A new set of nasal bones, nerves and cartilage is created after the surgery.

Rhinoplastics requires that the patient is fully awake during the entire procedure. As a result of this, it may take more time than usual to recover and be able to return to normal activities. However, patients are usually able to resume normal daily activities after recovering completely.

Rhinoplastics can either be performed by general or specialized doctors. A general practitioner, typically called a board certified surgeon, is the best person to perform the rhinoplastics.

A specialized facial plastic surgeon, on the other hand, is trained to provide care for only a particular medical specialty. Specialists include: orthopedic surgeons, plastic surgeons, cardiothoracic surgeons, and otolaryngologists. For example, an orthopedic surgeon would usually perform the open rhinoplasty while an otolaryngologist would perform the closed rhinoplasty for people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Although the closed rhinoplasty technique has many advantages, it does have some drawbacks as well. The recovery time is usually longer than the open technique, as is the possibility of infection, blood clots, and injury to the surrounding tissues.