Rhinoplasty Guide – How To Prepare For Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Rhinoplasty, or nose surgery, is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed today. Millions are performed annually and it is considered a safe and effective operation with little to no risk of complications. Many people have problems with their nose size, length, and shape, and rhinoplasty can help solve these issues. The only risks are complications during the actual procedure itself and sometimes the swelling and bruising can last up to three months. A rhinoplasty guide can help you become an expert in this area so that you know exactly what you are getting yourself into.

Rhinoplasty is usually performed under general anesthesia, which means you will be awake and able to respond to your cosmetic surgeon instructions throughout the operation. Your surgeon will start with an assessment of where your problem areas lie and then determine the appropriate rhinoplasty procedure for you. The most common surgical procedure is called an instant rhinoplasty and it consists of reshaping the nose through the use of flexible silicone. There are also less common procedures that can be performed including reduction, reshaping and lifting of the nasal sidewalls. Each one of these modern techniques takes a different approach, but they all produce a similar end result – a tighter and more youthful appearance. Your cosmetic surgeon will explain these modern techniques to you during your rhinoplasty guide.

One of the most common problems regarding the nose is the deviated septum. This occurs when the nostrils are deviated forward and cause your nose to look upside down, which is commonly known as a hooked nose. Your rhinoplasty specialist can reshape the nose to correct this problem, which will make your nostrils look much better and your nose job more successful, read more.

Another common problem with the nose is bony growths which can be very painful and uncomfortable. Your surgeon will perform a procedure known as an osteoplastic procedure which will smooth out the bone growth. He or she will first operate on the bony growth which will then be refined after removal using an instrument. During the refinement process, tiny incisions will need to be made which will be closed followed by a temporary incision cleaning the wound. After the healing process is complete, your surgeon will close the final incision and seal it with stitches.

Often patients are worried about the effect of having a rhinoplasty procedure as it may affect their facial feature, such as eyelashes and hair. While the swelling does temporarily reduce and the incisions small and very clean, there is no need to worry about this problem. Your cosmetic surgeon will discuss with you the best way to manage the swelling and the final outcome of your new nose.

If you are concerned about any swelling or pain after your procedure, it is imperative that you contact your surgeon immediately. Many modern techniques use lasers to reduce the swelling and thus reduce pain. This can greatly reduce the amount of discomfort you may experience. Many rhinoplasty procedures now days can be performed at a much lower cost when compared to the older procedures and using modern techniques and equipment it is now possible to perform these surgeries which are much less painful and risky.

For more information about rhinoplasty in Portland Oregon visit The Portland Rhinoplasty Center and talk to board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr William Portuese.